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Surgery and Anesthesia 2023

Surgery and Anesthesia - Explore Innovations on Surgery and Anesthesia Surgery is a medical procedure that uses medical instruments on a patient to treat the treatments such as injury, disease, repair unwanted areas and appearance. Anesthesia is a medical procedure which prevents pain to the patient while performing surgery. The drugs which are used for produce anesthesia is called anesthetics. New Technological Advancements in Surgery: The field of a surgery is seeing an astonishing cooperation among people and innovation, which could raise the degree of precision and viability of medical procedures so high that we have never seen. Surgical Robots The idea of robotics used for surgery began 50years ago, but it actually used at 1980s. Nowadays, more surgeons used robotics system in hospital to perform tricky and risky surgeries. But still, the robots are guided and monitored by human surgeons only. The robots can perform and done surgery successfully  more than human surgeons.  Risk:
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2nd World Congress on Clinical Surgery and Anesthesia

  With a great response and feedback which we received from participants and supporters from Clinical Surgery 2021, we are proud to announce our upcoming conferences in the Series   2nd World Congress on Clinical Surgery and Anesthesia  on  July 04-05, 2022  in  Amsterdam, Netherlands  with the theme of  Building the future of Clinical Surgery and Anesthesia.  The main aim of this conference is to solicit the gracious presence of our honourable, to the upcoming conference “2 nd World Congress on Clinical Surgery and Anesthesia ” that is going to be held during J uly 04-05, 2022  in  Amsterdam, Netherlands , to share and exchange their knowledge.  It is an International platform for business delegates, B2B meetings, poster presentations, workshops, symposia, networking and more. It will offer a platform wherein you can ensure enormous exposure and networking by exhibiting products and services. Grab the opportunities, and share your innovative ideas, new technologies and Recent research